%20 of our operations performed in our clinic are correction operations which we perform in cases where the patients in whom hair restoration was performed in different clinics could not achieve the desired result aesthetically.

The most irritating situation socially is hair transplantation which is noticeable. To correct these cases which are known as “Doll Head” or “grass man” and which is named “Pluggy look” in the literature an experienced operator should work specifically for that patient spending two fold longer time. Generally, correcting an erroneous intervention is more difficult than to perform the first intervention.

A patient who has undergone an unsuccessful operation has limited donor area. In this case, the hair surgeon should make a good plan considering hair transplantation, the age of the patient, his expectations and the hair transplantation type previously performed and inform the patient the best result possible in a realistic way.

In cases where the donor area is used completely, the transplanted hair may need to be extracted from their places, processed under microscope and restored again in an optimal way. Every single hair strand is of great importance for the correction operations to be successful.